Confiscated Assets, Common Goods

The project “Confiscated Assets, Common Goods” involve 6 volunteers from Portugal and Spain in activities of promotion and social inclusion of young people of the Agro-Aversa area within assets confiscated from organized crime, for 8 months. This project represents a great opportunity to increase the impact that Giosef Italy aims to reach on the local territory and bring the European themes and more specifically those of the European Solidarity Corps Program in an area too often considered as a periphery of Europe. The volunteers will be accompanied in an important personal growth and training experience thanks to the skills they will acquire in the interaction with the territory, among the local youths and in the management of the activities in the confused goods.



Febbraio 2019 / Marzo 2020


Casapesenna (IT)


The volunteers involved are 6: 3 from Spain and 3 from Portugal, aged between 18 and 28, coming from a difficult economic condition.

Type of Funding:

European Solidarity Corps Program


Experimentaculo Associacao Cultural (Portugal), Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion Murcia (Spain), Associazione Giosef Giovani senza Frontiere (Italy)