progetti no profit

No Profit Challenge

No Profit Challenge is an ambitious project, financed together with other 30 projects selected among more than 1000 submitted to “Con il sud che partecipa” initiative organized by Fondazione CON IL SUD (Foundation for Southern Italy) in 2017.

Based on a “socially friendly” portal and application for Android

progetti lemyc


The project aims to enhance and realize the start-up of a property confiscated from the mafia assigned to the Giosef-Italy Association with a twenty-year concession from the Agrorinasce Consortium made up of the Municipalities of Casal di Principe, Casapesenna, San Cipriano di Aversa, Santa Maria la Fossa and Villa Literno, all form the province of Caserta. The main objective is to create a Youth Center for European Cooperation on the model of the European Youth Centers promoted by the Council of Europe,

dialog in youth work

DiaLOG IN Youth Work

"DiaLOG IN Youth Work" is a Youth Dialogue project on the topic of social, economic and political recognition of Youth Work and Non-formal Education in Italy.
Youth Work has been practiced in Italy for decades but its regulatory definition suffers from a vacuum that prevents the entire sector and professionals working there from obtaining that recognition, social, economic and political, which allows the establishment of a guaranteed standard of quality, a clear professionalising path and an implementation strategy fully inserted in the framework of youth policies in Italy.



The project “SoundBeatsTime- SBT” is to be implemented by Yellow Shirts Association (Romania) in partnership with Associazione Giosef – Giovani Senza Frontiere (Italy) and Institutul Roman de Educatie a Adultilor (Romania) and takes place between March 2021-June 2023.


The project aims to raise awareness about Mediterranean plural identities and heritage among young people, to foster intercultural dialogue and social cohesion in area. The Training Course aims to gather youth workers, educators, youth leader and trainers active in Human Rights Education.

Logo reflect


The Education and Training MONITOR of the EU 2019 signals out the following situation: the most effective practices that schools can promote include ‘promoting group work and critical thinking’, ‘creating a space for dialogue in the classroom on controversial issues to ENCOURAGE SELF-REFLECTION and mutual understanding’.


The project "R.E.T.E. 2: Reinforce, Education, Training and Empowerment" born from the experience of the RETE project and aims to improve the quality of the training activities promoted within the organization Giosef Italy and aims to strengthen the skills and abilities...

Confiscated Assests, Common Goods

Description: The project "Confiscated Assets, Common Goods"; involve 6 volunteers from Portugal and Spain in activities of promotion and social inclusion of young people of the Agro-Aversa area within assets confiscated from organized crime, for 8 months.

Il Paguro

EVS in PA.G.U.R.O.

EVS in PAGURO is a EVS project that takes place in Casapesenna (Caserta Province) for 6 month, in a youth centre and hostel confiscated to camorra. The activities of the project are: supporting communication and social media of the youth centre; helping with tasks connected...

progetti inclusi on


The project aims to create innovative resources and train stakeholders working in this
field to achieve the competencies and skills that allow implementing protocols of intervention for the inclusion of these groups.
Inclusi-ON is a project aimed at promoting education, training and inclusive youth, testing the possibilities offered...

European NGO

The project tackles the situation of giving voice to the needs of young NEETs at policy
level and to engage professional NGOs and youth workers in processes of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) on implementation of Youth Guarantee and other existing public funds (national or European, including ESF) that address the needs of young NEETs.

progetto closer


CLOSER is a strategic partnership that has the overall objective to raise quality of youth
work in social inclusion and strengthen capacities of youth workers for active combating social exclusion by respecting values and principles of European youth work for inclusion. Moreover, it contribute to building a more inclusive society and raising awareness of...

Opening Up!

The project aims to raise voice of youth with fewer opportunities about discrimination
in their neighbourhood, so that local, national and European authorities listen to them, because it affects their future and simultaneously it also affects long-term peace and stability of our countries and continent.

progetto rete


The project "R.E.T.E.: Reinforce, Education, Training and Empowerment" aims to improve the quality of the training activities promoted within the organization Giosef Italy and aims to strengthen the skills and abilities of its staff, aiming at a greater internationalization of the organization.

Evs For Social Inclusion

A multiactivity EVS project for Social Inclusion aimed at giving a real impact on each part involved (participants, partner organizations and target groups) thanks to the competences acquired by volunteers and that enriched them, sending organizations and target groups involved in workshops.


A VET learners project in the social field. Aim to cooperate with the sending
organization to create an adequate learning/training programme, including objectives and expected outcomes; assign tasks and responsibilities to match participants

progetto smiling

Smiling Europe

"Smiling Europe" is a Partnership Building project. It has been meant to foster work and cooperatation in youth field, to be smart and innovative and to give our contribute towards European growth and social cohesion...

progetto treed

Treed Life

“Treed Life" is a seminar with experts and young people from different organizations in order to reflect about what is the third sector, what are the needs and which are the tools useful to analyse it and develop it.


The project aims to sending overseas a group of 10 participants to experience a three
month training in the "development cooperation" sector, working in companies...

progetto focus on

Focus On

The main aim of the project "Focus"; is to promote the young people active citizenship and to foster their European citizenship trough the structured dialogue with decision makers.

Youth Shaping Climate Policy

This project aims to support their participation in democratic processes and the development of inclusive and sustainable societies. The objectives include learning about youth involvement in policy-making, creating opportunities for engagement in national climate policies, implementing structured dialogues with key actors.

COGREENEU: European Cooperation Against Climate Change

The COGREENEU project aims to involve local communities and European organisations in the ecological transition, respecting and caring for the climate.