Treed Life
“Treed Life” is a seminar with experts and young people from different organizations in order to reflect about what is the third sector, what are the needs and which are the tools useful to analyse it and develop it. The main objective is to foster the quality in the youth organizations. The Giosef Italy association promote this European seminar of 7 days in Enna (Sicily) from 10th of December to the 16th of December 2014 named “Treed Life” in cooperation with Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Poland involving 6 people from each Country for a total number of 50 people including staff and facilitators. The topics will be the needs, the law, and economic tools of the organizations belonging to the third sector, in particular the one working in the youth filed.
Agoust 2014 / March 2015
Enna (IT)
Youth workers, youth with fewer opportunities, local community
Type of Funding:
Erasmus Plus – KA1
Associazione Giosef Giovani Senza Frontiere (Italy), Sempre A Frente (Poland), Genc Birikim Dernegi (Turkey), Centrul De Resurse Pentru Adulti Si TINERI (Romania), Asociación Cultural Otras Ideas (Spain), Fundatia Zamolxes (Romania), Kooperáció Egyesület (Hungary), “H2O”;-Assoc. De Jovens De Arrouquelas (Portugal)