Closer – Rethinking Social Inclusion

CLOSER is a strategic partnership that has the overall objective to raise quality of youth work in social inclusion and strengthen capacities of youth workers for active combating social exclusion by respecting values and principles of European youth work for inclusion. Moreover, it contribute to building a more inclusive society and raising awareness of social inclusion in young people and broad public. The goal of the campaign is to contribute to building more tolerant, solidary and inclusive societies and involve young people in this process.

Young people, youth organizations, NGOs, schools, informal groups, etc. organized local events during the Week of Social Inclusion to involve people and groups who might be isolated and help them integrate better. The events are a way to help people get involved in their communities, in a situation that can lead to social exclusion and show the benefits of looking out for one another.



September 2015 / August 2017


partner countries


Youth workers, youth with fewer opportunities, local community

Tipo di finanziamento:

Erasmus Plus – KA2


Centrum pre interkultúrny dialóg (Slovakia), Associazione Giosef Giovani Senza Frontiere (Italy), EUROCIRCLE (France), Shida Kartli Regional Development Centre (Georgia), CEPS Projectes Socials (Spain)