the project aims to create innovative resources and train stakeholders working in this field to achieve the competencies and skills that allow implementing protocols of intervention for the inclusion of these groups. Inclusi-ON is a project aimed at promoting education, training and inclusive youth, testing the possibilities offered by non-formal education in the creation of devices of social inclusion, giving rise to new training programs, methodologies and to a new discourse on the subject as a whole.
February 2017/ June 2018
Partner countries
teachers and trainers of the Educational Leisure Time Schools and Degree in Social education, Technician staff/managers/policymakers who work with young people, Educational institutions.
Type of Funding:
Erasmus + – KA2
Kiribil Sarea (Bizkaia), EDE Fundazioa (Basque Country), Basque Country University (Basque Country), Mladez ulice (Slovak Republic), CAI – Conversas Associação Internacional (Portugal), Associazione Giosef Giovani Senza Frontiere (Italy).