No Profit Challenge

Based on a “socially friendly” portal  and application for Android and IOS, it has the following features:

● 2 profiles: volunteer and organisation
● Volunteer comes in contact with non profit organisations and find out where to possibly
offer their help on the basis of common interests
● The organisation publishes its "application for help" and the user chooses to participate by
receiving an automatic matching notification
● Once the activities are completed, organisation and volunteer give mutual feedback to measure the impact of the initiative and certify the skills developed in the volunteers who took part
● When a feedback has been received, the volunteer's account updates with a history of all accumulated experiences, filterable by location, industry and skills developed The goals are summarised as follows:
● Increase the visibility of ONPs and Volunteers and spread volunteering opportunities
● Making volunteering accessible and appealing especially among young people, so as to encourage their participation
● Encourage the process of recognition of Youth and Social Worker figures through a system of verification and certification of acquired skills
● Fill up the “gap of participation” in the Mezzogiorno.



Marzo 2017 / Agosto 2018




Third Sector Organisations and Volunteers

Type of Funding:

Fondazione con il sud


ARCI Sicilia, ArciRagazzi Sicilia, Forum Terzo Settore Siciliano, CGIL Sicilia, ANCI Sicilia, Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Palermo